The more I learn the more I hear keep it short. I find that mildly amusing cause everyone is 6foot 5 over here, even the women! Wrong context.
Day fours learning session was 'Visual design principles for effective websites'. What is a user Experience Architect doing on a course about design principles you may ask, good question. I think about it like this, how can you design a car if you have never driven, how can you cook a good steak if your a vegetarian. You need to experience these things in order to do something great.
I almost forgot that I spent five years of my life torturing myself around design principles at college so this session opened some old wounds.
I have listened to a lot about design principles that improve usability and we looked at some examples that ruin usability. Like an old married couple the two walk hand in hand, good usability comes out of good design. This session has made me appreciate how much their is to consider, do you left align? What resolution do you design for? How do you design banners that work? What emotions are evoked by what colours? I'm in danger of analysing everything I do! Its all very subjective though so loads of hands up at question time. One thing you can't argue with though is know your users and test the bloody thing!
Day fours learning session was 'Visual design principles for effective websites'. What is a user Experience Architect doing on a course about design principles you may ask, good question. I think about it like this, how can you design a car if you have never driven, how can you cook a good steak if your a vegetarian. You need to experience these things in order to do something great.
I almost forgot that I spent five years of my life torturing myself around design principles at college so this session opened some old wounds.
I have listened to a lot about design principles that improve usability and we looked at some examples that ruin usability. Like an old married couple the two walk hand in hand, good usability comes out of good design. This session has made me appreciate how much their is to consider, do you left align? What resolution do you design for? How do you design banners that work? What emotions are evoked by what colours? I'm in danger of analysing everything I do! Its all very subjective though so loads of hands up at question time. One thing you can't argue with though is know your users and test the bloody thing!
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