Yesterday's subject was Websites that Sell, though it should have been called How to Con People.
You work in Currys/Comet/QD and your job is to sell TV's. A couple come in and tell you that they are looing for a cheap second TV for the spare room in their house. So you offer 4 different TV's at various price points in the range. The prices are £250, £450, £650, and £1500. Which one do they buy?
Well in most cases it's the £650 one. The little step-ups in price from model to model is normally small enough for the salesman to overcome. However he has no intention of selling the £1500 model, but it's there so that the customers walk out of the shop thinking they have been prudent in saving £850, when in fact they have spent more than they initially anticipated.
Other tricks of the trade are to slightly loosen the ariel at the back of the cheaper TV so that when you give it a little tap the picture momentarily shakes, highlighting the effect of a lower aspect ratio. Also the contrast is turned down on the cheaper models so that the picture quality doesn't look as good. So make sure they are all set to midway before you compare.
You work in Currys/Comet/QD and your job is to sell TV's. A couple come in and tell you that they are looing for a cheap second TV for the spare room in their house. So you offer 4 different TV's at various price points in the range. The prices are £250, £450, £650, and £1500. Which one do they buy?
Well in most cases it's the £650 one. The little step-ups in price from model to model is normally small enough for the salesman to overcome. However he has no intention of selling the £1500 model, but it's there so that the customers walk out of the shop thinking they have been prudent in saving £850, when in fact they have spent more than they initially anticipated.
Other tricks of the trade are to slightly loosen the ariel at the back of the cheaper TV so that when you give it a little tap the picture momentarily shakes, highlighting the effect of a lower aspect ratio. Also the contrast is turned down on the cheaper models so that the picture quality doesn't look as good. So make sure they are all set to midway before you compare.
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